Kelly's Playlist

Tribute To Micheal Jackson.

Find A Way To Smile And Never Let It Get Awaay! ~ The Faaam and Creeeew. :D

Hmm, what matters to me? Well, my family and friends mean the WORLD to me. I am certain that I wouldn't be the person I am today without them in my life.

Starting with my AMAZING family, my dad and myself share the same sense of humour and we also get along extremely well because of our love for music. My mom, on the other hand is someone that I can talk to about a lot of stuff and she helps me through a lot of problems. My 10 year old sister Andrea is probably the funniest person I know because she is crazy and doesn't care about what others think. My 6 year old sister Katelyn, is kinda chubby so I love to bug her about it but she never fails to put up a fight.

Moving on to my AWESOME friends, Caryn is my unofficial twin sister because apparently we look identical. We are best friends and are together all the time! We are an unstoppable force when put together because we are just cool like that. I must add that we like taking many pictures together, which is why most of my pictures on Facebook have her in them. Andre is my unofficial big brother and although I do bully him 99% of the time, I know he has my back regardless. Some people play the drums or play sports to release their anger, I just punch Andre :). He thinks he has fan a.k.a my sisters, but he really doesn't and since I'm a nice person, I let him have his 15 minutes of fame! Bronson always has awesomely unique hairstyles and for some reason, likes to steal my food and bother me about my water bottle. Rohini is starting to live up to my expectations for her to join the sugar club *tear tear* and we have an awesome handshake despite what other people think or say. Victoria is incredibly smart and is the go-to person when having problems. Jan is the funny one who sings weird songs from Disney movies in the halls. Emily Stea and Emily Mcgaugh are ironically best friends and are always together talking about sports and other cool stuff. When I'm with Darling, I seem to be sillier, "Hot guy at 3:00!" Jessica always tells me weird stories which seem to catch my attention some way or another. JP and I are trying to go for a world record, and though we aren't very close to it now, we will get there some day! He is a sneaker collector and is very protective over his brightly coloured shoooes! His favourite wooord is 'dun knoooe!' Rytvika always has boyfriend issues but I take it upon myself to help her solve them and be happy. There are lots of other people I could introduce and explain, but as of right now these are the people I interact and have fun with the most. My family and friends are the most important aspects of my life because somehow they define me. <3


Cathryn said...

Ohaaay. I looove you. :)

You'll Make It